A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 13:34 In a world of strife and violence we need to remember this scripture.

Please send in a can of soup and/or a box of crackers for the food drive with your child.

There will be a vocabulary test on Unit 4 on Friday, November 4. Much of the homework will be vocabulary.

The Eighth Grade Outsiders Project is due on Wednesday, October 31. The choices were given out last Wednesday. They are on google classroom.

Students will receive a letter directing them to select a book for independent reading for the month of November. The November Book Project is due on Tuesday, December 4th. Reading independently helps students in all aspects of their academics, so please encourage them to do so. I have many books for them to read in my classroom if you cannot get to a library. I also have a Scholastic account on line if you wish to purchase a book. Thank you for your support.

6th Grade ELA: Students will review how the characters change in the novel and the theme in The Watsons Go To Birmingham, 1963. They will review how to write an essay and then we will do so on the novel.

7th Grade ELA: We will work on finishing the novel, The Wednesday Wars. Students will fill in their plot charts. They will have a quiz on the novel on Wednesday.

8th Grade ELA:
The eighth graders will select a theme on The Outsiders and write an in class essay. They will read from Scholastic about the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire.

7th Grade Religion: We are working on Unit 2 in our workbooks. A November Memory quiz will be given to the students this week.