Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God. Psalm 42:11


6th Grade ELA: This week, students are going to review how to write an essay. We will work on one together and then they will write one on their own. We will review subject and verb in sentences and then begin studying direct object. The sixth graders will be introduced to literary elements.

7th Grade ELA: The seventh graders will review essay writing and then create one on their own. We will review subject and verb in sentences and move on to direct objects. The class will review literary elements.

8th Grade ELA: Eighth graders have begun to study the holocaust. We will review the rise of Hitler and move on to the setting of Anne Frank, before beginning to read the play.

7th Grade Religion. There will be a memory quiz on Tuesday. The schedule for the memory quizzes is posted on google classroom. We will review unit 5 and have a test Wednesday. The Class will begin unit 6.