How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who say to Zion Your God Reigns! Isaiah 52:7

Students have a December Book Report due on Wednesday, January 5.

We are continuing with verbs- I will introduce helping verbs this week.

6th Grade ELA: Students will continue reading “Zlateh the Goat”, they will work on responses to the story. We will read ” The Lady and the Spider.” Afterwards we will read an informational text on the spider.

7th Grade ELA: The seventh grade will work on persuasive essay. They will begin the novella, “Angel’s Story”. Due to the quarantine, students will take their unit 5 test on Tuesday, December 7. The November book project is due on Wednesday, Dec. 8.

8th Grade ELA:Eighth graders are reading Flowers for Algernon. We will discuss parts of the story: conflict, theme, perspective…

7th Grade Religion: We are going to continue with unit 3. There will be a memory quiz on Thursday and next Thursday. Verses will be announced in class.