JESUS’ TIME: With the Easter season drawing to a close, the Pre-K students have begun learning about PRAYER, talking to God anytime, anyhow, and anywhere. The major focus will be learning the Lord’s Prayer and using the acronym: ACTS. A – Adoration and Praise (I love you, God.) C – Confession (I am sorry…) T – Thanksgiving (Thank you God) S – Supplication (Praying for others).
SCIENCE: Our focus is the natural world around us. We are dealing with plants and flowers, concentrating on the roots, stems, leaves, and flowers. 2) Butterflies and their metamorphoses 3) Frogs and their metamorphosis and then the children’s all time favorite: Dinosaurs, as cold-blooded Reptiles.
LETTERS AND SOUNDS: We continue our work in learning all the sounds, blending sounds, reading pictures, and developing sight vocabulary. At the moment the letters Jj Hh, Nn, and Tt are in the forefront. The children are learning songs, games, rhymes, and stories about each of the letters.
OUTDOOR PLAY: The children have been blowing bubbles in celebration of Spring as well as practicing the long jump, running races, and of course being on the equipment.
ART: Painting with pastels has been a favorite while creating all our flowers. The near future holds butterflies, lady bugs, and rain forests. Of course all our students have been busy with their Mother’s Day gifts.
LIBRARY: In addition to story hour our students are now taking out library books on a weekly basis.
UP COMING EVENTS: May 4 – The Waterfront Center-From Sea Creatures to Seashells May 16 – A Walking Trip to the Firehouse May 21 – Class Outing – Theodore Roosevelt Park
May our Lord rest His hand gently upon you now and always!