This week started off with a snow day Monday and then a delayed opening on Tuesday… Guess the groundhog was right!

We learned about the groundhog today and how he looks around to see his shadow. We learned that a baby groundhog is a “kit” and that groundhogs like to eat flowers, clovers, berries and vegetables. We then made our own shadows using a flashlight.

We had and extra special treat on Wednesday when Mr. Breur came in and taught us how to make chicken noodle soup. We learned about all of the ingredients and all of the different utensils you find in a kitchen. We all got a turn to mix the soup and then we got to eat some for snack. It was a great start to our next Language Arts unit on food. Thank you so much Mr. Breur!!

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On Wednesday we went to chapel and Mrs. K. Krass told us all about how much God loves us and how we can show love to others.

This week we are talking all things “Mm”. We will read a story about “Merry Mouse”, learn an “M” poem, practice writing “Mm”, and one friend will get to take home the “Mm” bucket to fill up with “Mm” items from home. We may even get a special “Mm” snack!

Have a blessed week everyone!