It’s hard to believe we are already more than halfway through October! Thankfully we are still being blessed with warm weather and are enjoying our time outside.

This week we will be reviewing the color purple, number 6, and the shape oval. To reinforce purple we will be reading Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson, and then each student will create their own adventure with a purple crayon. We will also color purple in our handwriting book and play I Spy for purple items in the classroom.

As we continue our farm unit, we will read several different stories about the Little Red Hen, and at the end of the week we will bake oatmeal bread. We will also make a Little Red Hen puppet.

Last week Ms. Dugan’s class learned all about bats. We learned some new vocabulary including echolocation, hibernate, nocturnal, and mammal. We read books about bats including Zipping, Zapping, Zooming Bats by Ann Earle, colored a bat coloring book, and made bats hiding in caves. While we were learning about bats, Mrs. Krass and Mrs. Bogovic’s classes learned about spiders and read several books including The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle. They learned how spiders are not insects, they are arachnids and have 8 legs. They also made a marble painting of a spider web. This week Ms. Dugan’s class will learn about spiders and Mrs. Krass and Mrs. Bogovic’s classes will learn about bats.

We will go to art this week and finish our lesson with Mrs. Kerwin about animals in art as well as finish our sheep project.

For Jesus time we are learning about Abraham. We will hear a story with Jelly about how God is always with us wherever we go. We will continue to sing many Jesus songs including the B-I-B-L-E, My God is so Great, and many other favorites.

Some music and movement songs this week will be the Turning song, Rumble Boogie, and Hello Neighbor.

Have a blessed week!