Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus. It’s so hard to believe we are about to enter the month of February. This month has many special events and holidays the children take part in here at school.
Jesus’ Time: This week we are learning about Jesus at 12 years old. Jesus loved to hear God’s word just as we do. They sang many songs and continued to pray just as Jesus did.
Social Studies: The children are learning more and more about the community workers and their roles. They also shared what job they would enjoy doing when they grow up.
Science: This week we are celebrating Ground Hog Day in school. The topic of shadows will be introduced and we will learn when you can see your shadow. We are also finishing our ice unit this week.
Literature: Some books we are reading are Snowballs by Lois Ehlert and The Maestro Played by Bill Martin Jr.
Art: The children made a Groundhog craft and added their pieces to a snow scene for the Peter and the Wolf literature. They also made their own snowmen.
PE: Riding tricycles in the gym. They are really having fun and getting a lot of exercise.
Centers: Smart table, community block center, large snowman floor puzzle, alphabet bingo, housekeeping, and seqencing cards.
Music and movement: Walking to the ABC’s and dancing with instruments.
Have a blessed week.