Here’s waht’s going on:

Religion: We will be reading The Dot. It’s a great little book about kindness and inclusivity. We will check out what the Bible says about kindness. We have created a bulletin board that states: “Be the I in K_ND.” Students will step in for the letter I.
Daily devotions.

Math: Ch. 3: Division: quiz and test for chapters 2 and 3 together: Quiz 10/15, test 10/16.

Reading/writing: We will be exploring an issue of Storyworks that has fiction and nonfiction. We are working on forming paragraphs and will write in our journals.
Grammar: Subjects in Imperative Sentences
Vocabulary: We will complete Unit 2 and the Word Study and Shades of Meaning pages.
Spelling: Fifth grade list. Test Friday

SS: Ch 1 Lesson 3
Science: Unit 1: We will complete lesson 2 and being lesson 3. Test upon completion. Review sheet will go home.

Our field trip to the Fire Island lighthouse was wonderful. God gave us a beautiful weather day and the students were fabulous. The team at the lighthouse remarked at how respectful and thoughtful of one another the children were. Hurray!!
Thank you again to our chaperones.

We will begin changing for gym on Monday. Please have your child bring shorts, t shirt, and sneakers. Please ask Mr. Mallon any questions concerning gym uniforms.

We read WONDER and are halfway through the movie. We will finish watching Monday. The class enjoyed this complex story of friendship, acceptance, growing up, having courage, dealing with hard things, and choosing kindness. Ask your student about it.

This week I have been thinking about this verse:
If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask Him, and He will tell you…If you don’t ask with faith, don’t expect the Lord to give you any solid answer. James 1:5-8
I am thinking how often I pray as routine, not truly expecting God to answer. My mouth says the words but my heart isn’t really faithful for His answer. Thinking of how it pleases God when I truly and bodly expect an answer is encouraging.
Just something to think about.
Have a great week.
Mrs. Lively