We have another busy but great week planned….

Religion: We will complete our trinity candy corn, devotions
Math: Ch 4 Expressions quiz Thurs., test Fri.
ELA: We will be reading and exploring the play ‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow’ Students love this tale of the headless horseman. Writing and ELA concepts included.
Grammar: Compound Subjects No spelling this week
SS: We will complete lesson 1 in text and read Scholastic News
Science: Complete lesson 3, We are growing mold under various conditions. We will begin unit vocabulary.

Your children are kind, smart, thoughful, and funny. Thank you again for sending them to me each day.

I have been thinking of this verse,
‘Again I tell you, if two of you on earth agree about whatever they may ask, it will come to pass and be done for them by my Father in heaven.’ Matthew 18:9
I am so thankful to work in a place, and have students and families in my class that share my faith and willingly work together to create a great atmosphere for all. Just something to think about.