Short week this week…

ELA: Each student will be reading a different Diary of a Wimpy Kid book independently and completing a book report that will be shared with the class. We are in the middle of our class read, How to Steal a Dog. Test upon completion.
Wrting: We just startet the writing process for a narrative about a squirrel who found candy.
Religion: We are still reading Case For Faith for Kids. Verse test Wed. Ephesians 2:8
S. S. Ch 4 take home test Tuesday, 10.15. Begin ch 5
Science: We will be completing a STEM activity.
Math: Ch 2. Quiz 10/17. Test 10/23 Extra help 7:45am Wed. 10/16

Our Philadelphia trip is this Friday. Please be at school at 6:30 AM so we can check everyone in and get on the road at 6:45.
We should be starting to change for gym the seek of Oct. 28th.

Have a great week…
Mrs. Lively