Last week we learned about the gift of peace that Christ brings us at Christmas time. This past Sunday we lit the pink candle, a symbol of the gift of joy that the season gifts to us. This week we will celebrate the joy of Christmas! We will create art, read stories, sing songs and learn more about the coming of the Christ child at Christmas. We will conclude our joyful celebration with a pajama birthday party for Jesus and movie day on Friday. Please wear your comfiest pajamas on Friday. This week should be filled with joy!
Please dress to impress Monday as we will be taping a simple video Christmas program in the morning. Tuesday, Thursday students are invited to attend class for the taping from 9:00 to 10:15 am Monday.
May the gifts of Christmas – Hope, Love, Joy and Peace – be with you this Christmas and throughout the coming year! Please have a very, merry Christmas and blessings on a peaceful New Year! School will be closed in observance of the holidays from December 21st through January 1st. Enjoy the break!