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This week we celebrate the birth of Jesus by singing songs and listening to a   message given by Pastor Henn in the church.  The teachers are extremely proud of all the children who did  a great job using their singing voices and listening ears!

We are busy, busy , busy preparing for the Lord’s birth!

This week we are:christmas bingo

Art: Finishing our top secret Christmas presents, making a Christmas train scene and a Santa face.

Language Arts: A Child was Born by Grace Maccarone  and The Christmas Story.

Jesus Time: Jesus is born , Christmas program. and Jesus’ birthday celebration.

Math: Christmas calendar- counting our wreaths and friends.

Mrs. Krass’ full day students loved playing Christmas Bingo on Thursday.

Thank you to all for the contributionsto our Christmas party! We appreciate your help and hope you all enjoyed the festivities!

To all our nursery students and families… Have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!

School resumes on January 5. 2015… See you then!