I enjoyed meeting with all of the parents at virtual parent teacher conference on Friday. I am so thankful that we have these amazing technologies, like zoom conferencing, that allow us to stay in touch even when we are far apart. I hope everyone enjoyed the snow days, snug and warm at home with their families. I am excited to get back to school and start a new unit of study on the “Rainforest” from our Mother Goose Time Preschool curriculum.
This week we will begin a new unit on the “Rainforest”. We will explore a colorful new environment, it’s animals and a different way of life. We will also learn a few new Jesus songs from vacation bible school’s rainforest soundtrack. It should be very exciting to explore the rainforest!
We are continuing to ride tricycles in the gym. If you would like your child to wear a helmet, please send one to class clearly labeled with your child’s name on it.
It should be a short, but exciting week in nursery school!