nursery class free play 3nursery class freeplay 2nursery class free playThis week in class we are:

Art Projects: Advent wreath , angel handprints and Christmas surprises!

Language Arts: Christmas Trees are Special by Nancy Parent, The Tiny Star by Arthur Ginolfi and Who is Coming to our House? by Joseph Slate.

Visit to the library on Tuesday and Friday pm.

Movement to Music: Santa’s coming song with our jingle bells, Walking to the ABCs, Where is thumbkin? and Bean bag song. We are practicing all our songs for our Christmas program! The children are working hard at learning the words to all our songs and finger plays.

Math: Counting our friends and wreaths.

Jesus Time: Advent- Someone’s coming( the season of waiting), An angel came to Mary and chapel on Tuesday and Wednesday with Mrs. Waldeck.

Science: Weather and the seasons.

Technology:  SMART table and computer lab on Thursday  pm.

Reminder: The nursery classes will have a joint Christmas program on Wednesday, December 17th. Please bring all the nursery children to ECC 2 at 9:00 am and then proceed to the chapel. The teachers and children will join you at 9:15 am. After the Christmas program,  we will all go back down to  the  classroom for our Christmas party. Please speak to  your child’s teacher if you have any questions or concerns.  Mrs. Krass’ students will come to class on Tuesday and Thursday as usual during that week. Mrs. Evers’ full day students are welcome to stay after the party. Please let her know if your child will be staying.