Parent-teacher conferences: Thursday. Looking forward to seeing you all.
Please send in $5 and your student’s choice of meal for our school wide feast.
Tuesday is Middle School shadowing day. Let the office know if your student is interested in checking out our middle school.
Here’s what is going on in our classroom…
Reading-Writing: Activity in repsonse to The Homework Machine book. This will be graded as a test. We will be exploring the lastest issue of Storyworks
Spelling: Words from The Homework Machine: Test Fri.
Grammar: Simple tense: Future and Linking verbs
Vocabulary: Unit 6
S.S.: We are creating an Explorers book.
Science: Unit 1 lessons 5 and 6, review, test Fri. The vocabulary from the quiz will be on the test.
Religion: We will continue our unit on prayer. Test upon completion.
We are wearing red socks on Monday in response to The Homework Machine book. Ask your student about it.
If you would like, send in cookies or juice to be collected by our National Junior Honor Society and given to a local food pantry. A NUT card will be given to any student who donates.
Please be sure your student is completing any work missed do to being absent or attending instrument lessons. I am here to answer questions concerning work. Just have your child approach me.
I have been thinking aobut 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18– Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances: for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. It’s difficult, but despite our troubles, disappointments, failures, or hurts, we should be thankful for the good things in our life. We don’t have to be thankful FOR everything by rather IN everything. When we go through rough patches, remembering God is there, ready to help, and He continues to love us, no matter what, is uplifting. Just a thought.