Greetings to all! As of Monday, March 26th, I am officially back! I am glad that I was able to fulfill my civic duty to my community, but I am absolutely thrilled to be back in the classroom. Since this is a short week of school, in all of my classes we will be focusing on getting caught up and back on track.

In seventh grade, the students are currently working on writing songs based on the Bill of Rights, which they will be sharing with their classmates on Wednesday. After the break we will get into the administrations of Presidents Adam and Jefferson.

The eighth grade will be studying the Jazz Age culture of the 1920s. They will begin biographical research on a 1920s pop culture icon of their choice. We will finish the ’20s after Easter.

In eighth grade religion we will be studying the kings of Israel and Judah, the good and the bad, and the consequences of hteir actions.