7 Math:  There will be a quiz on rational numbers on Tuesday.  We also will be reviewing for our unit test which will be on Thursday.  Students at this point should have their calculators with them in class.  If they do not have one please make sure to get one.  The calculator was on the supply list which was sent out over the summer.

Life Science:  There will be a quiz Wednesday on 2.1.  This week we will continuing learning about the characteristics and necessities of living organisms.

Living Environment:  The chapter 3 quiz will be on Wednesday.  This week we will continue with our ecology unit learning all about niches and communities.

Earth Science:  The chapter 1 test will be on Tuesday, 10/1.  A review sheet was completed in class which the students should study.  This week we will begin chapter 3 leaerning about minerals.

Physical Science:  The 2.1 quiz will be on Tuesday.  This week we will be completing an activity learning about water displacement.  We also will be talking about physical properties of matter.