7 Math:  This week we will be learning about how to multiply and divide integers.  We also will be creating an integer timeline using important dates to us.  There will be a quiz Friday on multiplying and dividing integers.

Life Science:  This week we will be learning about scientific models and measurement.  For a lab activity this week we will be learning how to find measurement with different tools.  The 1.3/1.4 quiz will be on Friday, 9/20.  We will also be working on our review sheet for chapter 1.  The chapter 1 test will be on Thursday, 9/26.

Biology: This week we will be learnng about carbon compounds and enzymes and how it relates to living organisms.  The chapter 2 quiz will be on Thursday, 9/19.  The Unit 1 exam will be on Tuesday, 9/24.  A review guide will be posted on Google classroom.

Earth Science:  This week in class we will be learning about the scientific method as well as different types of scientific models.  The 1.2 quiz will be on Wednesday, 9/18.

Physical Science:  This week we will be learning about scientific models and measurement.  To reinforce the scientific meithod we will be working on an activity determing how absorbant paper towels are.   The 1.3/1.4 quiz will be on Thursday, 9/19.  We will also be working on our review sheet for chapter 1.  The chapter 1 test will be on Tuesday, 9/24.