Life Science: The quiz on 22.4 is on Tuesday. The test on Chapter 22 is Friday. This week in class we will be working on a web quest learning about skin cancer.
Living Environment: The Unit 6 test is on Wednesday. The chapter 24 quiz is on Monday. This week in class we will begin learning about the human body and how it is organized. We also will be finishing up our Relationships and Biodiversity lab.
Physical Science: The 12.2 quiz will be on Friday. This week in class we will be discussing how the elements are grouped in the periodic table.
6th Math: There will be a quiz Tuesday on translating expressions. This week in class we will be working on a project learning about the Origins of Algebra.
7th Math: This week we will begin working on a new unit. In class we will be learning about measures of center, samples, and population. The quiz on measures of center will be Monday, 3/20.