On Monday, 11/11 there is no school due to Veteran’s Day.  On Friday, 11/15 there is no school due to Parent Teacher Conferences.  If you have not already signed up for conferences please do so to guarentee a spot to come in and talk about your child’s progress.  When signing up for conferences please make sure to make an appointment which each teacher your child has.  If any questions please make sure to ask.

8th Grade Only:  The LuHi enterance exam will be given on Thursday, 11/14. 

7 Math:  This week in class we will be learning about factoring, simplying algebraix expressions and solving 1 step equations.

Life Science:  This week we will begin chaper 4 learning all about diffusion and osmosis.

Living Environment:  This week in class we will be learning about cellular repsiration and how it is important to living things.

Earth Science:  The 4.3 quiz will be on Thursday, 11/14.  This week in class we will be learning all about sedimentary rocks.

Physical Science:  The 4.1/4.2 quiz will be on Wednesday, 11/13.  This week in class we will be learning all about mixtures and how they are formed.