7 Math:  This week in class we will be learning about proportional relationships.  The quiz on rates and proportionality will be on Thrusday, 10/10.  We also will begin learning about the different types of percent problems.

Life Science:  The 2.2 quiz is on Monday, 10/7.  The chapter 2 test is on Friday, 11/11.  This week we will continute working on our living organism research project.

Living Environment:  The chapter 4 quiz is on Wednesday, 10/9.  This week in class we will be learning about how population grows and what limitions causes the population to slow down.  The chapter 5 quiz will be on Tuesday, 10/15.

Earth Science:  The 3.1/3.2 quiz is on Thursday, 10/10.  This week we will be working a project researching characteristics of minerals.

Physical Science:  The 2.2 quiz is on Monday, 10/7.  This week in class we will be learning about chemical properites of matter.  The chapter 2 test will be on Friday, 10/18.  We will complete a review sheet in class this week.