There is no school on Monday, 10/14.  On Thursday, 10/17 the middle school will be taking a field trip to Sagamore Hill.  If you have not already returned the permission slip and money it is due by Tuesday, 10/15.

7 Math:  This week in class we will continue learning how to solve 3 types of percent problems.  There will be a quiz Friday on three types of percent problems.

Life Science:  This week in class we will begin chapter 3.  We will be learning about the diversity of cells and the cell theory.

Living Environment:  The chapter 5 quiz is on Tuesday, 10/15.  This week in class we will be learning about biodiversity and ecological challenges.

Earth Science:  This week in class we will be learning about miing and the use of minerals.  The 3.3 quiz will be on Monday, 10/21.

Physical Science:  The chapter 2 test will be on Wednesday, 10/16.  This week we will start chapter 3 learning about the 3 states of matter.