There is no school on Monday, 1/15.
Life Science: This week we will begin a new chapter learning about the importance of DNA. The 6.1 quiz will be on Friday, 1/19.
Living Environment: The chapter 15 quiz will be on Tuesday, 1/16. The Unit 4 exam will be on Friday/ 1/19. This week in class we will be talking about biotechnology and how it impacts the world. We will also be working on a lab learning more about protein synthesis.
Physical Science: This week in class we will be starting a project learning about elements on the periodic table. The project will require each group to create a superhero with the element they were assigned. A review sheet will also be handed out on chapter 12. The chapter 12 test will be next week on Tuesday, 1/23.
Earth Science: This week in class we will be learning about tectonic plates and how the Earth’s crust is deformed. The 7.3 quiz will be Thursday, 1/18.
7 Math: This week in class we will be learning about how to find the area of circles, rectangles, parallelograms, triangles and trapezoids. There will be a quiz next week on area.