I hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed some warmer temperatures!
Joke of the week: What do you call a flower that runs on electricity?
Language Arts- This week we will review Lesson 25 of our Journey’s series. Our essential question is, How do people get food from plants? We will read, Bread Comes to Life and Pie in the Sky, and From Apple Tree to Store. As we read the stories we will focus on sequence of event and summarizing. We will be reviewing all our sight words from the last 4 lessons. We will also review the long and short sounds for the vowel Ee & Oo, along with other letters such as Xx, Jj, Oo, Hh, Kk. In grammar, we will discuss using exclamation marks in a sentence.
This weeks language arts centers will focus on word families, CVC words, and writing sight word and CVC sentences around the room.
Math- In math we will begin working on Chapter 9: Two-Dimensional shapes including circles and squares.
Jesus Time- We will continue to read our Children’s Beginner Bible Stories to learn about the Easter Story, we love reading this book! After each story the children look forward to watching a video pertaining to the story we read and connecting what we read to the video!
Science: This week we will be discussing the growth of plants and animals living on a farm.
Answer: A power plant!
Song of the Week: Keep Me in The Moment by Jeremy Camp
Have a great week!