I hope everyone had a great weekend! Hopefully that was the last of the snow we will see.
Joke of the week: What sort of cakes do birds prefer?
Language Arts- This week we will review Lesson 22 of our Journey’s series. Our essential question is, How do things change when someone is growing up? We will read, A Tiger Grows Up, Leo the Late Bloomer and What Can a Baby Animal Do? As we read the stories we will focus on sequence of events and visualizing. We will be learning 6 new sight words: said, was, good, then, ate, could. We will also review the letter sounds Xx & Jj. In grammar, we will discuss Proper Nouns: they, it, I.
This weeks language arts centers will focus on word families and CVC words.
Math- In math we will begin working on Chapter 8- Represent, Count, and Write 20 and Beyond.
Math Centers- This weeks math centers will involve numbers up to 20 and beyond.
Jesus Time- We will continue to read our Children’s Beginner Bible Stories, we love reading this book! After each story the children look forward to watching a video pertaining to the story we read and connecting what we read to the video!
Science: This week we will be discussing baby animals.
Song of the week: Words by Hawk Nelson
Answer: chocolate chirp
Have a great week!