I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving! Leading up to Thanksgiving the children were always sharing the many things they are thankful for. It was wonderful to hear all the things, see them draw them, and especially, hear their different answers daily, even though it was the same question.
Joke of the week: What key has legs and can’t open doors?
Language Arts- This week we will begin Unit 3 of our Wonder’s Curriculum. Our essential question is, What rules do we follow in different places? We will read How Do Dinosaur’s Go To School?. As we read the story we will focus on understanding characters and summarizing. We will learn our new sight word – to and focus on the letter “Ii” – long and short sounds and CVC words with the letter i. We will move from identifying the beginning sound in words to identifying the end sound; this can be a little tricky as we have focus on beginning sounds the last few weeks, but we are excited to make the jump! We will listen to Ms. Vollono say words and tell her the end sound we heard, listen to videos that quiz us and complete worksheets and homework. In grammar, we will learn more about sentences and how important a capital first letter is, finger spaces, and punctuation at the end.
Language Arts Centers- This weeks centers will be writing sentences and end sounds.
Math- This week we will begin Lesson 5 – Add To and Take From Within 5.
Jesus Time- This week we will continue to read our old testament Children’s Beginner Bible Stories that they love and watch videos that retell what we just read.
Song of the Week: Mary Did You Know by Pentatonix
Being the season advent we will create advent wreaths to countdown the weeks until Christmas and will “light” (color) lights on our advent wreaths! In the next two weeks we will discuss the reason for the season, and enjoy some Christmas stories and activities!
Our Elf on the Shelf should arrive on Thursday, December 1st ;). Together we will read the story of Elf on the Shelf and name our elf. We will be on our best behavior so our elf can report back to Santa each night! As a class we will follow the number one rule the elf requires, which is no touching!! Otherwise, the elf will loose its magic and not be able to come back to our classroom.
Have a wonderful week!!
Answer: A turkey!