I hope everyone enjoyed the nice weather this weekend! We have a short but eventful three days ahead!
Joke of the week: Why do turkeys eat so little?
Language Arts- This week we will review the sight words we have learned thus far and have fun with a game of sight word bingo. We will continue opening our lessons by blending and segmenting words. For example, /j/ /am/ equals jam; then I will say the word and the students will separate the word into two sounds, for example mop and the students will say /m/ /op/! Monday and Wednesday we will practice writing sentences and when we write our sentences we will make sure our first letter is uppercase, we use finger spaces, and end each sentence with a period. This week we will also partake in multiple Thanksgiving crafts and activities to get us in the spirit of Thanksgiving!
Language Arts Centers- This weeks center will include beginning sounds, and rhyming.
Math- This week we will finish Chapter 4- Represent and Compare Numbers to 10 and we will have our math test on Tuesday!
Jesus Time- This week we will enjoy Ms. Vollono’s children bible and the stories they hold!
Social Studies: This week we read our being thankful and discuss Pilgrims and Indians and how they helped long ago.
Answer: Because they are always stuffed.
Have a great week and Happy Thanksgiving!!