Hello, I hope everyone has had an easy week getting back into the swing of things! The children were very excited and confused about the remodeling of our classroom! 🙂 I have implemented new centers such as a tech center, listening center (listening to a story from tapes/CDs), a cozy reading corner, and more! The children are very excited about them all and look forward to them each day!
Joke of the week: What do you call a fish without an eye?
Language Arts-Â This week we continue Unit 3 of our Journey’s series, lesson 13. Our essential question is, How do animals use their different body parts? We will read, A Zebra’s World, What Do You Do With a Tail Like This?, and Poems About Animals. As we read the stories we will focus on the author’s purpose, text and graphic features, and visualizing. We will learn new sight words, you and What, up, and not; and review the letter Ff and words that have the letter Ff. In grammar, we will learn about capitalization and punctuation in complete sentences, and lastly, in writing we will focus on ideas.
Language Arts Centers- This weeks centers will be reading and creating correct sentences, sight words, beginning sounds, and word family endings such as -an, -ap, -at.
Math- This week we begin Chapter 7 – Represent, Count, and Write 11 to 19.
Math Centers- Beginning this week I will be implementing math centers. Two to three times a week we will break into smaller groups and each group will focus on a math topic we have learned or are learning. These topics include numbers 1-12, addition, subtraction, and more!
Jesus Time- We will read our Children’s Beginner Bible Stories that they love and our religion book, God’s People Get a Land of Their Own.
Science:Â This week we will continue to discuss how water can be a solid, liquid, or gas, and why animals hibernate and migrate.
Have a wonderful week!!
Answer: Fsh!