I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!
Joke of the week: What dog keeps the best time?
Language Arts- This week we continue Unit 3 of our Journey’s series, lesson 13. Our essential question is, How do animals use their different body parts? We will read, A Zebra’s World and What Do You Do With a Tail Like This? As we read the stories we will focus on the author’s purpose, and text and graphic features. We will learn new sight words, you & what, and review the letter/sound Ff and words that have the letter Ff. In grammar, we will learn about complete sentences. We will continue to discuss capitalization, finger spaces, and punctuation in complete sentences..
Language Arts Centers- This weeks centers will be reading and creating correct sentences, and word family endings such as -at, -an, -ab, -am, -ag and sounding out CVC words and match them with pictures.
Math- This week we begin Chapter 5 – Addition.
Math Centers- This week we will do math centers reinforcing addition.
Jesus Time- We will read our Children’s Beginner Bible Stories that they love and watch videos on the stories we read to follow-up on what we read and understand each story a little more! .
Science: This week we will discuss why animals hibernate and migrate.
Have a wonderful week!!
Answer: A watch dog!