I hope everyone had a nice weekend!

Joke of the Week: What did the snowflake say to the road?

Song of the Week- Down to the River by Jordan Feliz

Language Arts- This week we will finish Unit 5 of our Wonder’s series. Our essential question is, What kinds of things grow on a farm? and we will read, An Orange in January. We will learn two new sight words – he and is and we will focus on the letter Ii and the long and short i sound and letters f & r. We will continue to blend sounds and determine the missing sounds in CVC words. We learned all our word families, so going forward we will be reviewing them and reading them in sentences and stories. In grammar, we will continue to learn about pronouns and the three important factors of writing a sentence.

Language Arts Centers- This weeks centers will be word families and sentences.

Math- This week we will begin Module 10: Compare Numbers to 10- Greater and Less Than.

Math Centers- We will practice counting, and comparing numbers up to 10.

Jesus Time- We will continue to read about Jesus growing up and all the wonderful stories he told and miracles he preformed.

Science: This week we will dive into Mystery Science and learn about all the different kinds of weather.

We are running low on glue sticks as we use them everyday, multiple times! If you’d be willing to donate some, we would greatly appreciate it! Thank you so much 🙂

We will have a Dress Down Day on Friday to support the Critters for $5! Have a great week!

Answer: Let’s stick together.