Math Grade 6

This week we are starting our last unit, which covers Statistics.  We will be learning about measures of center (mean, median, and mode), how to construct and interpret a box and whisker plot, and how to make a dot plots and histograms.


Tests and Quizzes

Tuesday, 5/19- Quiz on measures of center, quartiles and box and whisker plots.


Math Grade 7

This week we will begin reviewing Modules 6 and 7for our final exam in June.  We will be reviewing expressions, equations, and inequalities


Tests and Quizzes

There are not any tests or quizzes this week.


Religion Grade 7

This week we are focusing on the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion.

There is not any memory verse this week.



This week we are starting our unit on statistics.  We will be learning how to construct and interpret histograms, dot plots, and box and whisker plots.  We will also be briefly touching on permutations, and combinations, as well as theoretical and experimental probability.


Tests and Quizzes

There are no tests or quizzes this week.


Reminders and Important Dates

Please remember to bring in your money for the Mets Game on May 27th,  by May 18th

No School – Friday, 5/22 and Monday 5/25