Math Grade 6

This week we are starting our unit on Geometry. We will explore how to find the area of various shapes and how to solve equations that involve the area formulas.


Tests and Quizzes

No quizzes or tests this week.


**Extra help will be on Tuesday at 7:45.

Math- Grade 7

We are continuing with Probability. Experimental and theoretical probability will be explored. Probability of simple and compound events will also be explored.


**Extra help will be on Tuesday at 7:45.

Tests and Quizzes

Tuesday, 4/14- Quiz on probability of compound events.


Religion Grade 7

This week we will be finishing up the movie, God’s Not Dead.

Memory Quiz: Friday, 4/17


Algebra I

Chapter 10 covers radicals. This week we will focus on operations with radicals, radical equations, graphing radical equations, and trig. Ratios.


Tests and Quizzes

Wednesday, 4/15- Radical quiz


Reminders and Important Dates

Please remember to bring in your permission slips and money for the Spanish Field Trip.


If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected]