Math Grade 6

This week we will have a quiz on Module 10.  At the end of the week, we will have a test on Unit 4. 


Tests and Quizzes

No Quizzes this week.

Tuesday, 2/10- Quiz on Module 10

Friday, 2/13- Unit 4 Test


**Extra help will be on Tuesday at 7:45.

Math- Grade 7


We are spending this week reviewing.  We will have a quiz on Module 9 on Tuesday and a Unit test on Geometry on Friday. 


**Extra help will be on Tuesday at 7:45.

Tests and Quizzes

Tuesday, 2/10- Quiz on Module 9

Friday, 2/13- Quiz on Unit 4 Geometry


Religion Grade 7


We are working on Unit 4.  This unit focuses on Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection.  A review sheet for this unit was sent home last week.


Memory Quiz:  No Memory this Week.

The Unit 4 Test will be on Tuesday, 2/10



Algebra I

Our next chapter covers graphing quadratics.  We will discuss the axis of symmetry, vertex, maximum and minimum points, and finding the roots.


Tests and Quizzes

Chapter 7 Test- Monday, 2/9



Reminders and Important Dates

Winter Break 2/16-2/20 No School


If you have any questions, please contact me at [email protected]