Hello everyone! This week is going to be different due to our TerraNova testing. These tests will be all week therefore we are not going to start a new Reading week. A notice was sent home last week about our 100th day of school celebration on 2/14! Please bring in a box of cookies and their 100 objects in the bag attached. Valentine’s Day is also this week, if you would like you are allowed to send in cards or valentines for the class. There are 4 girls and 4 boys! Please make sure you look in their green folders and set aside time to read every night.

Spelling – No spelling this week but we will be reviewing old spelling words so we don’t forget them!


Math – We will continue our Math module 7 lessons this week. Our next math test will be Friday 3/1!


ELA – We will be reviewing past concepts that we have learned throughout the week. Homework that is sent home will be concepts we have learned before.


Writing – We will continue our writing lessons. We will be talking about WOW pictures. We have been doing a lot of handwriting in class and talking about 5 star sentences!


Social Studies – We will be discussing a new African American icon every day. Each of the people the students did their research on is who we will be learning about and this will be great because the students already have pre knowledge of their person. We will learn about each person through videos, reading, and activities. Each student will complete another activity to go along with who they researched that will go along with their home research project!


Important Dates – All week TerraNova testing – Wednesday 100th day of school! – Wednesday Valentines Day – Red day free dress down on Wednesday! – FAST on Friday