Hello everyone, hope you all had a nice three day weekend! Please continue to check their green folders for any important notices and setting out at least 10 minutes a night for your child to read. Their disguise a turkey project is due this Tuesday. We do not have school Friday for parent teacher conferences, I look forward to meeting with you all.
Spelling – 3x each due Wednesday and test will be Thursday. Our new spelling words this week are: fast, lend, of, past, send, sink, who, wink
Math – We are continuing our third module and their test will be next Tuesday 11/21. Their books will go home the day before and we will have a review session.
ELA – We will be working this week with the ending -ing, more about possessives and using an apostrophe and an s. Their HF words this week are eat, no, of, under, who
Writing – We will be creating thankful turkeys and students will write six things that they are thankful for. This will be a new addition to our back bulletin board.
Social Studies – This week our lesson will be on our leaders at home, in school and community.