Hi everyone! Hope you all had a great weekend. Please make sure you are looking at their green folders every night and sending back homework in them. Also, setting aside at least 10 minutes a night to have your child read. Our Halloween party is on Tuesday! We will have treats, a Halloween craft, goodie bags and fun worksheets! Any concerns or questions please Dojo or email me!
Spelling – 3x each due Wednesday and spelling test on Friday. I am not giving homework on Tuesday so I would try and get the 3x each done Monday night so you can enjoy your Halloween night! Our Week 6 words are: leg, beg, men, hen, head, bread, there, again
Math – We are starting our new module and they will receive their new module book Monday. This module is all about properties of operations.
ELA – We are beginning our second unit in Wonders. This week we will be learning about short e including -ea. We will be going over nouns and adding -ed at the end of an action word to make it in the past tense. Their reading test will be on Thursday and their HF words are: again, help, there, new, use
Writing – We are still working hard in our journals with our handwriting, grammar and different punctuation marks.
Social Studies – We will begin our first unit all about citizenship and responsibilities.
Important Dates – FAST on Friday – Dress down day ($5) on Friday