Hello everyone! Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. The children did well with their TerraNovas. This week is a normal week testing wise. We also have spirit week this week! Any questions or concerns please Dojo me! 
Monday – Pajama Day, Tuesday – Positive Vibes Day, Wednesday – Dress Your Best, Thursday – Hero Day, Friday – Sports Day


Spelling – 3x each is due Wednesday and spelling test is on Friday. Our new spelling words are: book, look, cook, took, hood, wood, nose, cute, buy, done


Math – This week we are starting our module 10. This will go further into place value.


ELA – This week reading test is on Thursday. This week we will learn about /oo/ and /u/ saying the short u sound. We are learning when we add ing or ed if we need to double the last consonant. For example hop – we would need to double the /p/ before we add ing or ed. We will review not contractions as well. Our HF words this week are: after, buy, done, every, soon, work


Writing – We will learn about illustrations and how to make them more detailed for our stories.


Social Studies – This week we will learn about cardinal directions with our own compasses!


Religion – We will read about the stories of “David and Saul” and “Jonathan Warns David”.


Important Dates – Spirit Week! – FAST on Friday