Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed your weekend. We are getting so close to Christmas break! This Wednesday we have our cookie decorating party! We will decorate cookies and eat them with hot chocolate. This will be with kindergarten and second grade as well. This is when Santa will come with those wrapped books you all brought it! (Its a secret that Santa is coming though shhh!) Any questions or concerns please Dojo me! I hope you all have a blessed and safe Christmas break!


Spelling – 3x each is due Wednesday and our spelling test is on Friday. Our new spelling words are:


Math – This week we will begin our new module about data and graphs! I believe they will all enjoy this very much.


ELA – Reading test this week. We will be learning about long I with silent e. We will be reviewing plurals with adding an s to the end of a noun to make it more than one. We will also learn about capitalizing title names of books and stories.


Writing – We will be writing about what we want from Santa in our journals. We will also be reading a story about the Nativity and learning all about the birth of Jesus.


Social Studies/ Science – We will be moving to our first lesson in our second unit about our community.


Important Dates – Cookie Party on Wednesday – Ugly Christmas sweater on Friday $5 – FAST on Friday