Hello everyone! Welcome back, I hope you all enjoyed this break! Please continue to check their green and orange folders. Also, set time aside for them to read every night. This week goes back to our regular routine. Spelling tests and reading tests this week. We are having an assembly on Thursday 2/29 open to parents to share what each class has done for Black History Month!


Spelling – 3x each due on Wednesday and spelling test is on Friday. New spelling words are: low, row, no, boat, oat, toe, over, more, we, keep


Math – Finishing up our module this week and we will have our next math test on Friday 3/1.


ELA – We will be learning about “oa” “ow” and “oe” saying the long o sound.  We will be talking about open syllables and if it has one the vowel says its long sound. We will also be learning about categories and what words don’t belong in those categories. Our vocabulary words are: search – look for something and seek: look for something. Our HF words are: find, food, more, over, start, warm


Writing – We will be learning about nouns in our writing and how to write complete sentences.


Science – We will be planting our plants this week. They will grow on our window sill and eventually be able to bring them home!


Important Dates – Black History Assembly on Thursday at 2:00 (2/29) – Dress Down $5 on Friday – FAST 3:15- 4:15 on Friday