Welcome to a new week at Trinity! Here are the updates for my classes this week.

6th Religion

This week we will finish our study of Genesis by learning about the experience of Jacob’s son Joseph, who was sold into slavery by his brothers. Then, we will study the book of Job, which historically happened around the same period of time and teaches us the importance of trusting God. On Friday the students will work on the Unit 1 review. The test on Unit 1 will be on Tuesday, October 8th. The memory verse this week is Jeremiah 29:11.

6th Social Studies

On Monday, the students will take their test on Topic 1: Prehistory. Then, we will get into Topic 2: Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent, the oldest civilization in the world. This will also tie in with our religion class as Mesopotamia was Abraham’s homeland, and it is mentioned many times throughout the Old Testament.

7th Religion

This week we will return to our regular Bible lessons. We will study more about God and how we receive His Word. We will look at the stories of God’s Promises to Abraham, the Transfiguration of Jesus, and Creation. The memory verse this week is John 1:17.

7th Social Studies

On Monday, the students will learn about the settlement of the early English colonies of Jamestown and Plymouth. Then, the students will work on the Topic 2 research project about the true stories of common historical myths, such as Pocahontas, the first Thanksgiving, the Lost Colony of Roanoke, and more. They will present their projects in class on Monday, October 7th.

8th Religion

This week we will continue to learn about Abraham’s descendants, Jacob, Esau, and Jacob’s son Joseph. The memory verse for this week is Romans 8:28.

8th Social Studies

The students will take their test on Topic 8: The Civil War on Wednesday, October 2nd. Then, we will begin our short, but impactful chapter on Reconstruction. The students will learn about how everything changed after Lincoln’s assassination and how Reconstruction did not go according to his plans.