Welcome back to a new week at Trinity! I can’t believe that we are almost through our first month of school! Here are the updates for this week.

6th Religion

This week we will study the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah, and then the drama with their twin sons, Jacob and Esau. The memory verse for this week is Hebrews 13:5b.

6th Social Studies

In social studies we will be wrapping up our first unit. The students will work on their Topic 1 review, and the test will be on Monday, September 30th.

7th Religion

This week the students will be working on their Trimester 1 Project, which is comparing and contrasting other religions with Christianity. They will present in class on Friday. The memory verse this week is John 20:31.

7th Social Studies

On Monday, the students will take their test on Topic 1. On Tuesday, we will begin Topic 2, which will cover European colonization of the Americas, beginning with Spain, France, and the Netherlands.

8th Religion

This week in religion, the students will learn about the almost sacrifice of Jesus, and how that foreshadows the death of Jesus. Then, we will study the relationship of Isaac and Rebekah. The memory work this week is the Lord’s Prayer.

8th Social Studies

This week we will look at what life was like for soldiers serving in the Civil War by analyzing letters written by Union and Confederate soldiers. Then, we will study the final battles and how the Union was finally victorious over the Confederacy. The students will work on the Topic 8 review, and the test will on Wednesday, October 2nd.