Welcome back! We are now in our second full week of school and right back into the swing of things. Back to school night is this Tuesday, September 17th, at 7:00 PM in the church. I look forward to seeing everyone!

6th Religion

This week we are continuing our study of Genesis and will move on to life after the Flood. We will study the Tower of Babel and how God made a covenant with Abraham through his son Isaac. The memory verse this week is Psalm 121:8.

6th Social Studies

In social studies, we will study the agricultural revolution and how that eventually led to the first civilizations. We will finish Topic 1 this week, and the test will be next Friday, September 27th. We will begin reviewing next Monday, but in the mean time, the students can start reviewing their notes and homework assignments.

7th Religion

This week we will look at how God gave us His Word, specifically through the lens of Jeremiah, the prophet. Then, the students will work on their Trimester 1 project, which will focus on comparing and contrasting Christianity to other world religions. The memory verse this week is Isaiah 44:6.

7th Social Studies

On Monday, we will complete Topic 1 by looking at early European exploration of the Americas. The test on Topic 1 will be next Monday, September 23rd.

8th Religion

On Monday, we will conclude our lesson on the Tower of Babel by looking at how we can glorify God with our talents, which is the opposite of what the Tower builders were doing. Then, we will begin a series of lessons on Abraham. The first will cover the promises God made to him, and then we will look at Abraham’s prayer for his hometown, Sodom. Then, we will compare that prayer to the Lord’s Prayer that Jesus gave us. The memory verse this week is 2 Corinthians 10:17-18.

8th Social Studies

On Tuesday, the students will present their research projects on prominent Civil War generals. Then, we will study the early battles of the war, and how those eventually led to Abraham Lincoln issuing the Emancipation Proclamation.