We are back into the swing of things and moving full speed ahead during our first full week of school. The first few days have been wonderful, and I am looking forward to a fantastic year together. Here’s the news for this week:

8th Social Studies

This week we are looking at the beginning of the Civil War, which is found in Chapter 15. This week we are focusing on how the two sides shaped up and examining the leadership of the Union and Confederacy, and how this impacted the course of the war. This will be shown in the early battles of the war.

8th Religion

This week we are finishing up talking about creation and the fall into sin, and then moving on to the flood. Throughout these lessons, not only will we look  at the impact of living in a sinful world, but also the fact that we have a loving and merciful God who always has compassion on His children. The first memory quiz will be on Friday, September 12th. The memory verse is Hebrews 11:7, which can be found here, or on page 11 in the student book. The student book uses the English Standard Version (ESV) translation, so that is what I would like the students to study. The quiz will be fill-in-the blank.

Also, here is a video clip that gives a nice illustration of the topics for this week.

8th Math: Pre-Algebra

This week we are looking at Real Numbers. We are starting with converting fractions to decimals and vice versa, and then we will begin studying exponents. The math book has a great website that has some supplemental activities, as well as an online edition of the book. I encourage you to visit my.hrw.com and check it out for yourselves. As most of you have seen, the math book this year is a soft covered workbook/textbook in one. I ask that you please cover the book with contact paper to help preserve the book for the entire year.

General Announcements

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me via email at [email protected]. My extra help day is Thursday morning, or by appointment. Have a wonderful and blessed week!