Hello, everyone! Here are the updates for this week.

6th Religion

The students will have their test on Unit 1 on Thursday, October 10th. They received the review to work on in class on Friday, and we will correct it together on Monday. On Friday, we will begin Unit 2, which will cover the Israelites journey from slavery in Egypt, to the Promised Land. There is no memory verse this week.

6th Social Studies

This week we will be studying the powerful civilizations of Mesopotamia, such as the Assyrians, the Babylonians, the Persians, and the Phoenicians. These lessons will also tie in with religion lessons we will do later this year.

7th Religion

In religion this week, the students will learn bout how we can use and apply God’s Word through the lens of the Minor Prophets of the Old Testament and the Six Chief Parts of the Christian Doctrine, from Luther’s Small Catechism. The memory verse will tie in with the theme this week- 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

7th Social Studies

On Monday, the students will present their research projects about mysteries and misconceptions of colonial history. Then, we will study the settlement of the New England and Middle Colonies.

8th Religion

On Tuesday, the students will present their Trimester 1 Projects- the Tough Times Toolkit. Then, they will review for their test on Unit 1, which will be on Tuesday, October 15th. There is no memory verse this week.

8th Social Studies

This week we will study how Reconstruction started off with some really positive helpful ideas, but eventually took a turn for the worst in many ways. As this is a short chapter, the test on Topic 9 will be on Friday, October 18th.