Welcome back to a new week at Trinity! Here are the updates for this week of classes.

6th Religion

This week we will learn more about the Israelites journey out of Egypt to the Promised Land. The lessons will especially focus on the people around Moses who helped him in his leadership role. The memory verse this week is 1 Thessalonians 5:11.

6th Social Studies

On Monday, we will start reviewing for the test on Topic 2. The test will be on Thursday, October 24th. On Friday, we will begin Topic 3- Ancient Egypt and Kush.

7th Religion

This week we will wrap up unit 1. The students will learn about the Second and Third Commandments and how to honor them in our lives. Then we will review unit 1. The test will be on Tuesday, October 29th. The memory verse this week is Joshua 24:15. The students should study from the Google Classroom, as we are only focusing on part of the verse.

7th Social Studies

On Monday, we will finish our study of the colonies of North America. Then, we will review for the test on Friday, October 25th.

8th Religion

Eighth grade will be studying the Exodus from Egypt and then how God provided for the Israelites with manna and quail, and set specific expectations for all of us in the Ten Commandments. The memory verse this week is John 6:35.

8th Social Studies

On Monday, the students will take their test on Topic 9: Reconstruction. On Tuesday, we will switch gears and begin Topic 10- Industrial and Economic Growth. We will begin by looking at how mining, railroads, and agriculture transformed the West, for better or for worse, and how the Native Americans were affected by these changes.