Happy early Thanksgiving, everyone! Since we have a short week, there are just a few updates.

6th Religion

We will begin the book of Judges by studying one of the few female leaders of the Bible, Deborah, and how she and her general Barak led the Israelites to victory. Next week, we will learn about the infamous Samson and then review for the unit 2 test.

6th Social Studies

The test on Topic 3- Ancient Egypt and Kush is on Tuesday, November 26th. Next week, we will begin studying the civilizations of Ancient India.

7th Religion

This week we will study the wisdom of Solomon and then the formation of the Lutheran Church under the Augsburg Confession.

7th Social Studies

The test on Topic 3- The Revolutionary War Era is on Tuesday, November 26th.

8th Religion

This week we will study the highly unusual Battle of Jericho. Next week we will review unit 2, and the test will be on Thursday, December 5th.

8th Social Studies

The Test on Topic 10- Industrial and Economic Growth is on Tuesday, November 26th. Next week, the students will work on their Topic 10 research projects on African American inventors and entrepreneurs of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.