Happy Monday, to one and all! While this is a short week due to teacher professional development on Friday, there is still quite a bit going on. Here are the updates.
6th Religion
This week, as well as next week, Pastor Hopkins will be teaching the sixth grade religion classes all about Holy Communion. This portion of the curriculum is is especially important for our Trinity church members who will be making their first communion on April 14th. The students are very excited for Pastor to join us!
6th Social Studies
Last week, we took a slight detour and instead of studying Greek culture and beliefs, we went on to study the reign of Alexander the Great. This week, we will finish out our unit on Greece by studying the life and culture of Ancient Greece. The test on Topic 6, Ancient Greece, will be next Tuesday, March 22nd. The review will post on the Google Classroom on Wednesday, March 16th.
7th Social Studios
Seventh grade will also be finishing their current unit, Topic 5: The Early Republic, this week. The students will learn about the administration of President James Monroe. The test on Topic 5 will be on Wednesday, March 23rd. The review will post to the Google Classroom on Wednesday, March 16th.
8th Religion
On Monday, we will be taking a mini “field trip” to the chapel to compare our church to Solomon’s temple, and to introduce their Third Trimester Project. The students are tasked with designing their own House of Worship. This is due on Friday, April 1st. The rest of this week, we will be getting into the division of Israel and Judah after the reign of Solomon.
8th Social Studies
This week we will be continuing and finishing our study of World War I. We will study how the United States’ brief involvement in the war had a big outcome. The test on Topi12 will be on Thursday, March 24th. The review will post to the Google Classroom next Monday, March 21st.