Hello, everyone! Welcome back to a new week. I hope everyone had a nice winter break. This week the lessons in social studies will remind us of the importance of democracy and sovereignty, which sadly, tie in with current world events. Here are the specific updates for this week.
6th Religion
The lessons this week are talking about the prophet Elisha, and how he and King Joash stood for what was right in God’s eyes, and how God helps His people who are faithful to Him. The memory verse for this week is Revelation 2:10b. The students should study from the Google Classroom since they are not memorizing the entire verse.
6th Social Studies
This week we are studying the birth of democracy in Athens, as well as the oligarchy in Sparta. We will also compare and contrast the societies and cultures of these city states. There are no tests or quizzes this week.
7th Social Studies
In seventh grade we are studying the early political parties, and how that influenced the actions of the first few presidents, and how this influenced American foreign policy. There are no tests or quizzes this week.
8th Social Studies
Eighth grade is starting their unit on Imperialism and World War I, which (sadly) ties in perfectly with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The students will learn about how the U.S. acquired new land and became the leader in global geopolitics. There are no tests or quizzes this week.
8th Religion
This week we are closing out Unit 3 with a lesson on Solomon and the Book of Proverbs. On Thursday, the students will begin reviewing for their test on Unit 3, which will be on Tuesday, March 8th. The review will be posted later this week.
In closing, as a community of faith, I encourage each of us to pray for peace and for God’s protection on the innocent people of Ukraine and Russia.