“…A day which will live in infamy.” – FDR

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to a new week, and “happy” Pearl Harbor Day. Just like 9-11-01, we need to never forget December 7, 1941.

Here are the updates for this week:

6th Religion

In religion this week we will be studying Joshua and how he led the people of Israel into battle to take back the Promised Land. There will be no memory quiz this week. Instead, the students will be designing their own monument to honor God.

6th Social Studies

This week in social studies, we will be starting to wrap up our study of Ancient India. We will finish up learning about the great Indian Empires, and then we will study the achievements and culture of Ancient India. The activity/project for this chapter will be to create an illustrated guide to Indian culture. The students will work on that in class, and it will correspond with their notes on section 5. The test on Chapter 5: Ancient India will be next Thursday, December 17th. You may view the study guide here.

7th Social Studies

This week the students are reviewing for their test on Chapter 4: Life in the Colonies. The test is on Thursday, December 10th. You may view the study guide here.

8th Social Studies

Eighth grade is finishing up chapter 18 this week with  a lesson on how education and culture changed at the turn of the 20th century. This chapter has been a great reminder of why children are required to go to school, and how important hard work and education are to being successful. Their test will be on Tuesday, December 15th, and you may view the study guide here.

8th Religion

Last week eighth grade finished the least lesson of unit 2, and this week we will be reviewing. The test is on Friday, December 11th, so there is no memory verse this week. You may view the study guide here.