Greetings to one and all! As we quickly approach our Christmas break, this is a week of, “tying up loose ends.” There are several tests this week, so please see below for the agenda in each class.

6th Religion

To start this week, the students will finish their monument designs, inspired by the monument built by Joshua after the Israelites safely crossed the Jordan River to enter the Promised Land. We will then study the fall of Jericho, and finish the week learning about he birth of our Savior, Jesus.

6th Social Studies

This week we are reviewing for the test on chapter 5, Ancient India. The test is scheduled for Thursday, December 17th, and you may view the study guide here.

7th Social Studies

This is a busy week in seventh grade social studies. They will have their test on chapter 4, Life in the Colonies, on Tuesday, December 15th. You may view the study guide here. After their test, they will work on researching the early leaders of the Sons (and Daughters) of Liberty, the Patriots who led the fight for independence against Britain. They will present those projects on Friday.

8th Social Studies

The eighth grade has their test on chapter 18, the New Industrial Revolution, scheduled for Thursday, December 17th. You may view the study guide here.

8th Religion

On Tuesday, the students will take their test on unit 2, Exodus- Battle of Jericho, and you may view the study guide here. To close the week, we will study the different accounts of Jesus’ birth.

I thank God every day that I have the opportunity to teach your children, and I pray that each of you have a blessed and safe Christmas and New Year. May 2021 bring God’s richest blessings.